WATCH Gift DAy 2024 video
regular and one-off Ways to Give:
1. Standing Orders (STO) or BACS payments. You can set up a standing order for regular giving, or make one-off donations using BACS, through your online bank account. Please make payments to New Community Network, CAF bank PLC, sort code 40-52-40, account number 00005807. In the reference section, please indicate clearly the project or congregation you are giving to (e.g. Central tithe, Sholing Tithe, Community Café, Kibera, etc.)
Giving by standing order or BACS is our preference, as it means that as a charity we don't incur additional fees in collecting your donation, so please give by this method if at all possible.
2. ChurchSuite. Welcome to our online giving experience.
Giving online has become easier, faster and more secure than ever. Thank you for your generosity!
You can give online via the following link:
If you have a ChurchSuite account, you will also be able to give through this account. Simply log in to your account, click on the 'My Giving' option in the menu, and then click on 'Donate'. You will then be able to choose to make a one-off donation or set up a new standing order for regular giving.
3. Through your employer’s payroll giving scheme. You can give through the GAYE (Give As You Earn) scheme, if your employer runs such a scheme. Ask your Human Resources department about this scheme and for more information.
4. In Person. You can give cash or cheque in our offering times during Sunday meetings.
You can contact the finance team on 023 8038 5127 or via email at weekdays 9am-5pm.
Giving at new community church
Why we give
As a church, we would love to see more people have the opportunity to hear about and encounter Jesus, and to see our local communities completely transformed by the love of God.
We believe we all have an important part to play in this, and that we all share a responsibility to reach the communities around us and to show them the generous love that God shows to us. Part of this shared responsibility involves supporting our congregations and their community projects and events through financial giving.
Tithing is our foundation for giving. The Bible teaches us that it is the baseline standard for giving. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, this is an expression of putting God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude to God, our faith, and love for others.
Offerings are free-will offerings above and beyond the tithe.
All giving at New Community Church is completely voluntary.
“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Regular Giving
Regular giving is highly encouraged as this helps our Leadership Team when planning on how best to see our vision fulfilled in our city and the nations. These are the different ways you can make a financial donation:
-By setting up a standing order with the bank. Download and complete this form and return it to the finance department at Central Hall, St Marys St, Southampton, SO14 1NF, or email it to
-Through your employer’s payroll giving scheme (this only applies if your employer runs such a scheme). Ask your Human Resources department about this scheme.
-By bank transfer to these bank account details:
Bank: CAF Bank PLC
Account name: New Community Network
Account number: 00005807
Sort code: 40-52-40
Reference: TITHE.
-By cash or cheque in the offering collection on Sunday mornings. Please use the giving envelopes if you give using cash. All cheques can be made payable to New Community Network.
Have you considered New Community within your will with the addition of a straightforward clause?
Gifts from legacies can make an enormous difference to seeing that the life of the church continues, and your gift will continue to change and transform lives in our community and beyond. Even a small percentage of the residuary estate can be a sizeable amount and enable us to continue God’s vision in our projects such as Community Café, our work with Hope School, Youth and children’s ministries, Alpha and many more. To help you understand about legacies, please read this document.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make your donations go further by donating through Gift Aid. The Gift Aid scheme enables us (as a charity) to reclaim tax on donations made to us by UK taxpayers, which effectively increases the amount of the donation. Under this scheme, we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated, without any extra cost to donors. If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like the church to be able to claim back the basic tax rate on your donations (at no extra cost to you), you can complete an online Gift Aid Declaration form.
Things you need to know if you intend to Gift Aid your tithing and any other offerings/additional giving:
You should pay enough tax for any one tax year to cover the amount reclaimed by New Community Network on your giving. Relevant tax is any Income Tax (at basic or higher tax rate) or Capital Gains Tax. If you cease to be a taxpayer, or have not paid enough tax for any year, you should notify our finance team immediately. If too much tax is recovered on your giving, you will be liable to refund HM Revenue & Customs.
Your Gift Aid declaration should be based on the tax paid by you personally, not that paid by another person (e.g. husband or wife).
You are entitled to cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any time. Simply notify us, preferably in writing. You can send your notification to Unless and until you cancel your declaration, we will continue to reclaim tax on all your giving to New Community Network.
If you have any questions about giving, please feel free to contact our finance department at or call them directly on 023 8038 5127.
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.’ And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”