New Community Network are committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for all children and adults who visit and attend our church meetings, projects and activities.
If you or someone you know may be at risk of abuse or neglect we are here to listen to your concerns and support you in the best way possible. Our safeguarding team are here to offer support covering a variety of safeguarding issues, and also have child and adult safeguarding information and resources for you to access.
We understand how difficult it can be if you are worried someone you care for might be being groomed online or by someone you might know, or are being abused or neglected in some way. It might also be that you are the victim of abuse and control and don't know who to tell. It is even more frightening if you know the person causing the harm and are afraid of what might happen if you tell someone. In a church environment that can make it even more challenging. Whatever the circumstances we are here to listen and support. If you have a concern regarding the safety or yourself, the well-being of a child or another adult then please contact one of our Safeguarding Team on:
The Safeguarding Team are:
Elaine Davidson
Safeguarding Manager
Esther Manners
Pastoral Safeguarding Officer
Flora Hinks
Kathy Swift
Trustees Safeguarding Officer
Sara Jones
Children & Families Safeguarding Officer
Chris Tuck
Chair of Safeguarding Team
Once you email us your contact details and preferred way of communicating, we will get in touch and arrange a time to chat. We will do our best to journey with you, but should a child or vulnerable adult be at risk of harm we will need to pass on those concerns where necessary. The team work closely with police, local support agencies and children and adult services to ensure we do the best we can for those who are struggling or suffering abuse.
Our leadership team are also available, and our pastoral team will be able to pass on a concern should you ask them to.
Alternatively, if you have a concern you can talk directly to:
Southampton Children’s Services: 02380 833336
Southampton Adult Services: 02380 333003
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
OR call 999 in an emergency.
Free Resources Available
We have a variety of information for children and youth to access regarding their safety from online grooming, domestic abuse etc. You can access these resources here or check out some helpful websites here and here.
We also have lots of information for adults who may be suffering from abuse, coercion and control here. Find our full Safeguarding Policy and Statement here